What bike should I buy?

Specialized Concept Store

This is a question that we get asked a lot. Unfortunately, asking 10 cyclists what bike you should buy will get you 17 different answers, since most will say that you need more than one!

There are lots of different kinds of bike that you can spend your hard-earned cash on – cyclocross bikes, folding bikes, hybrid bikes, mountain bikes, road bikes, touring bikes, etc. This huge choice can be really confusing for new cyclists.

The first question that you need to ask is, “What sort of cycling will I be doing?”  Just as with cars, each bike is created to fulfil a particular role.  You wouldn’t buy a high-powered sports car if all you wanted to do was tootle to the shops and back.  Similarly, while a full-suspension mountain bike is great for rough, technical trails, if all you are going to do is ride on roads and the occasional towpath, then you will quickly get fed up with the extra weight of that suspension and the drag from the tires.

If you need a bike primarily for commuting, then you will probably need something with a luggage rack and mudguards (or at least the ability to fit them). Also, dynamo lights are great for commuters, as they are permanently attached, less attractive to thieves and you never have to worry about running out of batteries.

Other factors that you need to consider are comfort and riding position. If you suffer from back or neck problems then a road bike with dropped handlebars is probably not for you. Instead look at a hybrid or flat-bar road bike with a more upright position. An adjustable stem can also help you to find the perfect riding position.

Regardless of the style of bike that you choose, the most important thing is to ensure that it fits you. This is where your local bike shop has a massive advantage over the Internet. They will be able to discuss your needs, pick out some suitable models, help you choose the right size and make adjustments to tailor it to your particular requirements.

We would always recommend that you take a bike out on a long test ride – up to an hour if you can – to make sure that the handling and riding position are comfortable and that it does what you want. It’s always a good idea to compare two or three bikes in order to find the one that suits you best.

Finally, if you are looking to buy a bike, don’t forget that Spokes members get 10% off bikes, parts, accessories and clothing at Banjo Cycles, Bikelux and the Specialized Concept Store.