
Cycle Audit: SPOKES was asked by West Berkshire Council to carry out an audit of the urban cycle network in Newbury, Thatcham and Theale. This highlighted how the cycle network can be improved and expanded – including for various new developments that are planned. The audit identified gaps that could be filled, junctions that could be improved etc – anything that would make life a little easier and safer for a cyclist. Reading Cycle Campaign did a parallel exercise in Theale and the Reading fringe. These were used to help create the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan.

Canal Towpath: SPOKES engaged with West Berkshire Council and the Canal and River Trust (CRT) to highlight the poor state of the towpath, which forms part of National Cycle Network Route 4 between Reading and Marsh Benham. We made the case for investment to bring it back up to standard, but unfortunately the CRT is unable to fund the extensive repair works. Initially, we undertook an audit of the towpath condition to catalogue the problems.

The section in Newbury between the A339 and Hambridge Road was upgraded with developer funding from the racecourse development.  We then raised over £100,000 through Greenham Common Trust to tackle one of the narrowest and most neglected sections of towpath to the east of Colthrop and works were completed in October 2020. CRT worked with Sustrans to improve the section east of Aldermaston Wharf. Sustrans is upgrading a section of the towpath near Dewe Lane at Burghfield. Spokes has also contributed towards a scheme that will improve the section of the towpath between Ham Bridge and Bulls Lock to the east of Newbury. This section is likely to be completed in 2024.

Newbury to Didcot Railway Line: SPOKES is working to try and reopen the Newbury to Didcot railway line as a multi-user path for pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders. We started with the section between Hermitage and Hampstead Norreys. Working with West Berkshire Council, we managed to attract funding from Highways England, which was actively looking for projects to reduce the severance effect of its motorway network and improve access for walkers, cyclists and equestrians. This scheme ticked all of their boxes and so they offered for their contractor Kier to undertake the works. This section opened in February 2020.

We have completed preliminary investigations for the sections to the north and south. Because there are sections of the rail line that have been lost to development, we have had to identify alternative route options. The results have been validated by Sustrans and West Berkshire Council is developing options to extend the route north from Hampstead Norreys and south from Hermitage.

Cycle Training: SPOKES has paid for a number of its members to become Bikeability instructors. These people go on to offer training to both children and adults, giving them the skills and confidence to be able to cycle in modern traffic conditions. SPOKES has its very own Bikeability guru in Caroline Lane – not only is she a Bikeability instructor, she also trains up new Bikeability trainers and is a Bikeability assessor, so she knows her stuff!

Dr Bike: A number of our members have completed the Cytech Home Mechanic cycle maintenance course. This enables SPOKES to offer a Dr Bike service where our mechanics undertake bike checks and adjustments free of charge. Unfortunately, our insurance does not permit us to carry out any repairs, but we are happy to advise on what work is needed and point you in the direction of a friendly local cycle shop where SPOKES members will receive a 10% discount on parts. We run occasional workshops and Dr Bike sessions.

Bike Loan Scheme: As the result of a charitable donation, SPOKES was able to buy eight reconditioned bikes from the Community Furniture Project in Newbury, and supply them, with a helmet and lock, for long term loan to children in West Berkshire schools who wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford a bike. This enabled them to take part in Bikeability training and to continue to cycle afterwards. These bikes are loaned to each child for as long as they need them or until they grow out of them. We hope to provide more bikes to local families in the future and get more kids cycling.

Cycle Count: SPOKES carries out three cycle counts per year, in February, June and October at 17 sites from Hungerford in the west to Tilehurst in the east. This helps to highlight changes in cycling activity over time and gauge how successful local policies and infrastructure improvements have been in terms of getting more bums on saddles. West Berkshire Council pays us to carry out the counts and this provides SPOKES with the majority of its annual income, enabling us to fund all our other projects.