Towpath Works at Colthrop & Thatcham

SPOKES has long been campaigning for the Kennet and Avon Canal towpath surface to be restored between Reading and Marsh Benham. With the exception of sections within Newbury, the surface has not benefited from any significant maintenance since it was originally upgraded 20 years ago to form part of National Cycle Network Route 4.

Grass encroached over time, leaving a deep, narrow rut, while boats pulling on mooring pegs tore chunks out of the bank, which cut into the towpath, creating major hazards for unwary cyclists.

The Canal and River Trust is responsible for maintaining the towpath, but has been unable to fund the extensive works that are required to bring it back up to the required standard. So we decided to help by raising funds to tackle some of the worst sections, starting with the section to the west of Midgham Lock.

We put in £10,000 of our own funds and raised over £100,000 of additional funds through the Good Exchange, including grants from West Berkshire Council, Thatcham Town Council and Englefield Trust, with match funding from Greenham Common Trust.

As with any project like this, there are risks, and an ecology survey carried out just before the works were due to start highlighted the presence of water voles. While it is fantastic news that this endangered species is present on this section of the canal, it did mean that some significant constraints had to be imposed on the scheme’s construction. These included: limiting the depth of excavation, not being able to use timber edging, and not being able to use vibratory rollers when laying the surface.

However, the contractor was able to progress with a scheme and works were completed earlier this month. As you can see from the photos, the towpath is almost unrecognisable when compared to its previous state.

Also, the reduced specification has resulted in a significant under-spend, so we may be able to extend the length of the improvements as part of a second phase of works. We are in discussion with our funders and the Canal and River Trust about this. We will keep you posted on progress!

The other bit of good news is that Thames Water has also funded some improvements to the towpath to the west of Crookham Hill. Although this section does not form part of NCN4, cyclists are still permitted to use this stretch. The improvements have covered exposed tree roots and repaired significant hazards such as dips and holes in the embankment. The result is a more usable route, but one that is still more suited to mountain bikes and hybrids with suspension.