Improving Cycling Safety

Crash MapCycling has been making the news for all the wrong reasons lately, with 5 cyclists killed in London in just over a week.

It should be remembered that London is going through a significant period of change, with cycling levels in the capital having tripled over the last decade. With such dramatic changes in cycling numbers, it is not surprising that existing infrastructure is struggling to cope and radical changes are required.

There are all sorts of trials of new infrastructure going on, such as Dutch style roundabouts, segregation at signal controlled junctions, and low-level traffic signals for cyclists. This means that we can expect some new approaches to providing facilities for cyclists in the next couple of years, which will really help to tackle some of the safety problems that are starting to appear.

One of the main reasons for founding Spokes was to campaign for safe cycling facilities. Where cyclists are injured on West Berkshire’s roads, it is important to ensure that these incidents aren’t repeated and that risks are designed out of our road network wherever possible.

Until recently, road traffic casualty data has not been available to cyclist campaigners, but web sites such as Crash Map have now put this information in the public domain. Spokes will be using this tool to aid our negotiations with West Berkshire Council to ensure that their investment in cycling infrastructure is targeted effectively.

It is important to remember that cycling is still a relatively safe activity and we don’t have anything like the same level of cycling casualties that London has. With your help, we will continue to press for improvements that will make it even safer.